简单移动平均的各元素的权重都相等。简单的移动平均的计算公式如下: Ft=(At-1+At-2+At-3+…+At-n)/n式中,
·n--预测的时期数;w1+ w2+…+ wn=1
TensorFlow中提供了tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage 来实现滑动平均模型,在采用随机梯度下降算法训练神经网络时,使用其可以提高模型在测试数据上的健壮性(robustness)。
TensorFlow下的 tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage 需要提供一个衰减率decay。该衰减率用于控制模型更新的速度。该衰减率用于控制模型更新的速度,ExponentialMovingAverage 对每一个待更新的变量(variable)都会维护一个影子变量(shadow variable),影子变量的初始值就是这个变量的初始值.
1 import tensorflow as tf 2 v1 = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.float32)#初始化v1变量 3 step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) #初始化step为0 4 ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(0.99,step) #定义平滑类,设置参数以及step 5 maintain_averages_op = ema.apply([v1]) #定义更新变量平均操作, 6 with tf.Session() as sess: 7 # 初始化 8 init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() 9 sess.run(init_op)10 print (sess.run([v1, ema.average(v1)]))11 # 更新变量v1的取值12 sess.run(tf.assign(v1, 5))13 sess.run(maintain_averages_op)14 print (sess.run([v1, ema.average(v1)]))15 # 更新step和v1的取值16 sess.run(tf.assign(step, 1))17 sess.run(tf.assign(v1, 1000))18 sess.run(maintain_averages_op)19 print (sess.run([v1, ema.average(v1)]))20 # 更新一次v1的滑动平均值21 sess.run(maintain_averages_op)22 print (sess.run([v1, ema.average(v1)]))
step1:V0 = 0 , step = 0 , decay = 0.1
result : [0.0,0.0]
step2:V1 = 0 , step = 0, decay = 0.1
step3:V1 = 1000 , step = 1, decay = 0.1818
step4:V1 = 1000 , step = 1, decay = 0.1818
TF源代码:1 # Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. 2 # 3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at 6 # 7 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 8 # 9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13 # limitations under the License. 14 # ============================================================================== 15 """Maintain moving averages of parameters.""" 16 from __future__ import absolute_import 17 from __future__ import division 18 from __future__ import print_function 19 20 from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes 21 from tensorflow.python.framework import ops 22 from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops 23 from tensorflow.python.ops import init_ops 24 from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops 25 from tensorflow.python.ops import state_ops 26 from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope 27 from tensorflow.python.ops import variables 28 from tensorflow.python.training import slot_creator 29 from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export 30 31 32 # TODO(touts): switch to variables.Variable. 33 def assign_moving_average(variable, value, decay, zero_debias=True, name=None): 34 """Compute the moving average of a variable. 35 36 The moving average of 'variable' updated with 'value' is: 37 variable * decay + value * (1 - decay) 38 39 The returned Operation sets 'variable' to the newly computed moving average. 40 41 The new value of 'variable' can be set with the 'AssignSub' op as: 42 variable -= (1 - decay) * (variable - value) 43 44 Since variables that are initialized to a `0` value will be `0` biased, 45 `zero_debias` optionally enables scaling by the mathematically correct 46 debiasing factor of 47 1 - decay ** num_updates 48 See `ADAM: A Method for Stochastic Optimization` Section 3 for more details 49 (https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980). 50 51 The names of the debias shadow variables, by default, include both the scope 52 they were created in and the scope of the variables they debias. They are also 53 given a uniqifying-suffix. 54 55 E.g.: 56 57 ``` 58 with tf.variable_scope('scope1'): 59 with tf.variable_scope('scope2'): 60 var = tf.get_variable('foo') 61 tf.assign_moving_average(var, 0.0, 1.0) 62 tf.assign_moving_average(var, 0.0, 0.9) 63 64 # var.name: 'scope1/scope2/foo' 65 # shadow var names: 'scope1/scope2/scope1/scope2/foo/biased' 66 # 'scope1/scope2/scope1/scope2/foo/biased_1' 67 ``` 68 69 Args: 70 variable: A Variable. 71 value: A tensor with the same shape as 'variable'. 72 decay: A float Tensor or float value. The moving average decay. 73 zero_debias: A python bool. If true, assume the variable is 0-initialized 74 and unbias it, as in https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980. See docstring in 75 `_zero_debias` for more details. 76 name: Optional name of the returned operation. 77 78 Returns: 79 A reference to the input 'variable' tensor with the newly computed 80 moving average. 81 """ 82 with ops.name_scope(name, "AssignMovingAvg", 83 [variable, value, decay]) as scope: 84 with ops.colocate_with(variable): 85 decay = ops.convert_to_tensor(1.0 - decay, name="decay") 86 if decay.dtype != variable.dtype.base_dtype: 87 decay = math_ops.cast(decay, variable.dtype.base_dtype) 88 if zero_debias: 89 update_delta = _zero_debias(variable, value, decay) 90 else: 91 update_delta = (variable - value) * decay 92 return state_ops.assign_sub(variable, update_delta, name=scope) 93 94 95 def weighted_moving_average(value, 96 decay, 97 weight, 98 truediv=True, 99 collections=None,100 name=None):101 """Compute the weighted moving average of `value`.102 103 Conceptually, the weighted moving average is:104 `moving_average(value * weight) / moving_average(weight)`,105 where a moving average updates by the rule106 `new_value = decay * old_value + (1 - decay) * update`107 Internally, this Op keeps moving average variables of both `value * weight`108 and `weight`.109 110 Args:111 value: A numeric `Tensor`.112 decay: A float `Tensor` or float value. The moving average decay.113 weight: `Tensor` that keeps the current value of a weight.114 Shape should be able to multiply `value`.115 truediv: Boolean, if `True`, dividing by `moving_average(weight)` is116 floating point division. If `False`, use division implied by dtypes.117 collections: List of graph collections keys to add the internal variables118 `value * weight` and `weight` to.119 Defaults to `[GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]`.120 name: Optional name of the returned operation.121 Defaults to "WeightedMovingAvg".122 123 Returns:124 An Operation that updates and returns the weighted moving average.125 """126 # Unlike assign_moving_average, the weighted moving average doesn't modify127 # user-visible variables. It is the ratio of two internal variables, which are128 # moving averages of the updates. Thus, the signature of this function is129 # quite different than assign_moving_average.130 if collections is None:131 collections = [ops.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES]132 with variable_scope.variable_scope(name, "WeightedMovingAvg",133 [value, weight, decay]) as scope:134 value_x_weight_var = variable_scope.get_variable(135 "value_x_weight",136 shape=value.get_shape(),137 dtype=value.dtype,138 initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer(),139 trainable=False,140 collections=collections)141 weight_var = variable_scope.get_variable(142 "weight",143 shape=weight.get_shape(),144 dtype=weight.dtype,145 initializer=init_ops.zeros_initializer(),146 trainable=False,147 collections=collections)148 numerator = assign_moving_average(149 value_x_weight_var, value * weight, decay, zero_debias=False)150 denominator = assign_moving_average(151 weight_var, weight, decay, zero_debias=False)152 153 if truediv:154 return math_ops.truediv(numerator, denominator, name=scope.name)155 else:156 return math_ops.div(numerator, denominator, name=scope.name)157 158 159 def _zero_debias(unbiased_var, value, decay):160 """Compute the delta required for a debiased Variable.161 162 All exponential moving averages initialized with Tensors are initialized to 0,163 and therefore are biased to 0. Variables initialized to 0 and used as EMAs are164 similarly biased. This function creates the debias updated amount according to165 a scale factor, as in https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980.166 167 To demonstrate the bias the results from 0-initialization, take an EMA that168 was initialized to `0` with decay `b`. After `t` timesteps of seeing the169 constant `c`, the variable have the following value:170 171 ```172 EMA = 0*b^(t) + c*(1 - b)*b^(t-1) + c*(1 - b)*b^(t-2) + ...173 = c*(1 - b^t)174 ```175 176 To have the true value `c`, we would divide by the scale factor `1 - b^t`.177 178 In order to perform debiasing, we use two shadow variables. One keeps track of179 the biased estimate, and the other keeps track of the number of updates that180 have occurred.181 182 Args:183 unbiased_var: A Variable representing the current value of the unbiased EMA.184 value: A Tensor representing the most recent value.185 decay: A Tensor representing `1-decay` for the EMA.186 187 Returns:188 The amount that the unbiased variable should be updated. Computing this189 tensor will also update the shadow variables appropriately.190 """191 with variable_scope.variable_scope(192 unbiased_var.op.name, values=[unbiased_var, value, decay]) as scope:193 with ops.colocate_with(unbiased_var):194 with ops.init_scope():195 biased_initializer = init_ops.zeros_initializer(196 dtype=unbiased_var.dtype)(unbiased_var.get_shape())197 local_step_initializer = init_ops.zeros_initializer()198 def _maybe_get_unique(name):199 """Get name for a unique variable, if not `reuse=True`."""200 if variable_scope.get_variable_scope().reuse:201 return name202 vs_vars = [x.op.name for x in203 variable_scope.get_variable_scope().global_variables()]204 full_name = variable_scope.get_variable_scope().name + "/" + name205 if full_name not in vs_vars: return name206 idx = 1207 while full_name + ("_%d" % idx) in vs_vars:208 idx += 1209 return name + ("_%d" % idx)210 biased_var = variable_scope.get_variable(211 _maybe_get_unique("biased"), initializer=biased_initializer,212 trainable=False)213 local_step = variable_scope.get_variable(214 _maybe_get_unique("local_step"),215 shape=[],216 dtype=unbiased_var.dtype,217 initializer=local_step_initializer,218 trainable=False)219 220 # Get an update ops for both shadow variables.221 update_biased = state_ops.assign_sub(biased_var,222 (biased_var - value) * decay,223 name=scope.name)224 update_local_step = local_step.assign_add(1)225 226 # Compute the value of the delta to update the unbiased EMA. Make sure to227 # use the new values of the biased variable and the local step.228 with ops.control_dependencies([update_biased, update_local_step]):229 # This function gets `1 - decay`, so use `1.0 - decay` in the exponent.230 unbiased_ema_delta = (unbiased_var - biased_var.read_value() /231 (1 - math_ops.pow(232 1.0 - decay, local_step.read_value())))233 234 return unbiased_ema_delta235 236 237 @tf_export("train.ExponentialMovingAverage")238 class ExponentialMovingAverage(object):239 """Maintains moving averages of variables by employing an exponential decay.240 241 When training a model, it is often beneficial to maintain moving averages of242 the trained parameters. Evaluations that use averaged parameters sometimes243 produce significantly better results than the final trained values.244 245 The `apply()` method adds shadow copies of trained variables and add ops that246 maintain a moving average of the trained variables in their shadow copies.247 It is used when building the training model. The ops that maintain moving248 averages are typically run after each training step.249 The `average()` and `average_name()` methods give access to the shadow250 variables and their names. They are useful when building an evaluation251 model, or when restoring a model from a checkpoint file. They help use the252 moving averages in place of the last trained values for evaluations.253 254 The moving averages are computed using exponential decay. You specify the255 decay value when creating the `ExponentialMovingAverage` object. The shadow256 variables are initialized with the same initial values as the trained257 variables. When you run the ops to maintain the moving averages, each258 shadow variable is updated with the formula:259 260 `shadow_variable -= (1 - decay) * (shadow_variable - variable)`261 262 This is mathematically equivalent to the classic formula below, but the use263 of an `assign_sub` op (the `"-="` in the formula) allows concurrent lockless264 updates to the variables:265 266 `shadow_variable = decay * shadow_variable + (1 - decay) * variable`267 268 Reasonable values for `decay` are close to 1.0, typically in the269 multiple-nines range: 0.999, 0.9999, etc.270 271 Example usage when creating a training model:272 273 ```python274 # Create variables.275 var0 = tf.Variable(...)276 var1 = tf.Variable(...)277 # ... use the variables to build a training model...278 ...279 # Create an op that applies the optimizer. This is what we usually280 # would use as a training op.281 opt_op = opt.minimize(my_loss, [var0, var1])282 283 # Create an ExponentialMovingAverage object284 ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.9999)285 286 with tf.control_dependencies([opt_op]):287 # Create the shadow variables, and add ops to maintain moving averages288 # of var0 and var1. This also creates an op that will update the moving289 # averages after each training step. This is what we will use in place290 # of the usual training op.291 training_op = ema.apply([var0, var1])292 293 ...train the model by running training_op...294 ```295 296 There are two ways to use the moving averages for evaluations:297 298 * Build a model that uses the shadow variables instead of the variables.299 For this, use the `average()` method which returns the shadow variable300 for a given variable.301 * Build a model normally but load the checkpoint files to evaluate by using302 the shadow variable names. For this use the `average_name()` method. See303 the @{tf.train.Saver} for more304 information on restoring saved variables.305 306 Example of restoring the shadow variable values:307 308 ```python309 # Create a Saver that loads variables from their saved shadow values.310 shadow_var0_name = ema.average_name(var0)311 shadow_var1_name = ema.average_name(var1)312 saver = tf.train.Saver({shadow_var0_name: var0, shadow_var1_name: var1})313 saver.restore(...checkpoint filename...)314 # var0 and var1 now hold the moving average values315 ```316 """317 318 def __init__(self, decay, num_updates=None, zero_debias=False,319 name="ExponentialMovingAverage"):320 """Creates a new ExponentialMovingAverage object.321 322 The `apply()` method has to be called to create shadow variables and add323 ops to maintain moving averages.324 325 The optional `num_updates` parameter allows one to tweak the decay rate326 dynamically. It is typical to pass the count of training steps, usually327 kept in a variable that is incremented at each step, in which case the328 decay rate is lower at the start of training. This makes moving averages329 move faster. If passed, the actual decay rate used is:330 331 `min(decay, (1 + num_updates) / (10 + num_updates))`332 333 Args:334 decay: Float. The decay to use.335 num_updates: Optional count of number of updates applied to variables.336 zero_debias: If `True`, zero debias moving-averages that are initialized337 with tensors.338 name: String. Optional prefix name to use for the name of ops added in339 `apply()`.340 """341 self._decay = decay342 self._num_updates = num_updates343 self._zero_debias = zero_debias344 self._name = name345 self._averages = {}346 def apply(self, var_list=None):347 """Maintains moving averages of variables.348 349 `var_list` must be a list of `Variable` or `Tensor` objects. This method350 creates shadow variables for all elements of `var_list`. Shadow variables351 for `Variable` objects are initialized to the variable's initial value.352 They will be added to the `GraphKeys.MOVING_AVERAGE_VARIABLES` collection.353 For `Tensor` objects, the shadow variables are initialized to 0 and zero354 debiased (see docstring in `assign_moving_average` for more details).355 356 shadow variables are created with `trainable=False` and added to the357 `GraphKeys.ALL_VARIABLES` collection. They will be returned by calls to358 `tf.global_variables()`.359 360 Returns an op that updates all shadow variables as described above.361 362 Note that `apply()` can be called multiple times with different lists of363 variables.364 365 Args:366 var_list: A list of Variable or Tensor objects. The variables367 and Tensors must be of types float16, float32, or float64.368 369 Returns:370 An Operation that updates the moving averages.371 372 Raises:373 TypeError: If the arguments are not all float16, float32, or float64.374 ValueError: If the moving average of one of the variables is already375 being computed.376 """377 # TODO(touts): op_scope378 if var_list is None:379 var_list = variables.trainable_variables()380 zero_debias_true = set() # set of vars to set `zero_debias=True`381 for var in var_list:382 if var.dtype.base_dtype not in [dtypes.float16, dtypes.float32,383 dtypes.float64]:384 raise TypeError("The variables must be half, float, or double: %s" %385 var.name)386 if var in self._averages:387 raise ValueError("Moving average already computed for: %s" % var.name)388 389 # For variables: to lower communication bandwidth across devices we keep390 # the moving averages on the same device as the variables. For other391 # tensors, we rely on the existing device allocation mechanism.392 with ops.init_scope():393 if isinstance(var, variables.Variable):394 avg = slot_creator.create_slot(var,395 var.initialized_value(),396 self._name,397 colocate_with_primary=True)398 # NOTE(mrry): We only add `tf.Variable` objects to the399 # `MOVING_AVERAGE_VARIABLES` collection.400 ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.MOVING_AVERAGE_VARIABLES, var)401 else:402 avg = slot_creator.create_zeros_slot(403 var,404 self._name,405 colocate_with_primary=(var.op.type in ["Variable",406 "VariableV2",407 "VarHandleOp"]))408 if self._zero_debias:409 zero_debias_true.add(avg)410 self._averages[var] = avg411 412 with ops.name_scope(self._name) as scope:413 decay = ops.convert_to_tensor(self._decay, name="decay")414 if self._num_updates is not None:415 num_updates = math_ops.cast(self._num_updates,416 dtypes.float32,417 name="num_updates")418 decay = math_ops.minimum(decay,419 (1.0 + num_updates) / (10.0 + num_updates))420 updates = []421 for var in var_list:422 zero_debias = self._averages[var] in zero_debias_true423 updates.append(assign_moving_average(424 self._averages[var], var, decay, zero_debias=zero_debias))425 return control_flow_ops.group(*updates, name=scope)426 427 def average(self, var):428 """Returns the `Variable` holding the average of `var`.429 430 Args:431 var: A `Variable` object.432 433 Returns:434 A `Variable` object or `None` if the moving average of `var`435 is not maintained.436 """437 return self._averages.get(var, None)438 439 def average_name(self, var):440 """Returns the name of the `Variable` holding the average for `var`.441 442 The typical scenario for `ExponentialMovingAverage` is to compute moving443 averages of variables during training, and restore the variables from the444 computed moving averages during evaluations.445 446 To restore variables, you have to know the name of the shadow variables.447 That name and the original variable can then be passed to a `Saver()` object448 to restore the variable from the moving average value with:449 `saver = tf.train.Saver({ema.average_name(var): var})`450 451 `average_name()` can be called whether or not `apply()` has been called.452 453 Args:454 var: A `Variable` object.455 456 Returns:457 A string: The name of the variable that will be used or was used458 by the `ExponentialMovingAverage class` to hold the moving average of459 `var`.460 """461 if var in self._averages:462 return self._averages[var].op.name463 return ops.get_default_graph().unique_name(464 var.op.name + "/" + self._name, mark_as_used=False)465 466 def variables_to_restore(self, moving_avg_variables=None):467 """Returns a map of names to `Variables` to restore.468 469 If a variable has a moving average, use the moving average variable name as470 the restore name; otherwise, use the variable name.471 472 For example,473 474 ```python475 variables_to_restore = ema.variables_to_restore()476 saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore)477 ```478 479 Below is an example of such mapping:480 481 ```482 conv/batchnorm/gamma/ExponentialMovingAverage: conv/batchnorm/gamma,483 conv_4/conv2d_params/ExponentialMovingAverage: conv_4/conv2d_params,484 global_step: global_step485 ```486 Args:487 moving_avg_variables: a list of variables that require to use of the488 moving variable name to be restored. If None, it will default to489 variables.moving_average_variables() + variables.trainable_variables()490 491 Returns:492 A map from restore_names to variables. The restore_name can be the493 moving_average version of the variable name if it exist, or the original494 variable name.495 """496 name_map = {}497 if moving_avg_variables is None:498 # Include trainable variables and variables which have been explicitly499 # added to the moving_average_variables collection.500 moving_avg_variables = variables.trainable_variables()501 moving_avg_variables += variables.moving_average_variables()502 # Remove duplicates503 moving_avg_variables = set(moving_avg_variables)504 # Collect all the variables with moving average,505 for v in moving_avg_variables:506 name_map[self.average_name(v)] = v507 # Make sure we restore variables without moving averages as well.508 moving_avg_variable_names = set([v.name for v in moving_avg_variables])509 for v in list(set(variables.global_variables())):510 if v.name not in moving_avg_variable_names and v.op.name not in name_map:511 name_map[v.op.name] = v512 return name_map
1.class ExponentialMovingAverage(object)整个核心是寄托整个类进行的,下面的函数都是基于此
1 def __init__(self, decay, num_updates=None, zero_debias=False,2 name="ExponentialMovingAverage")3 decay: Float. The decay to use.初始化的权重4 num_updates: Optional count of number of updates applied to variables.用来计算decay的一个迭代次数5 zero_debias: If `True`, zero debias moving-averages that are initialized6 with tensors.7 name: String. Optional prefix name to use for the name of ops added in8 `apply()`.
3.def apply(self, var_list=None)
4.def average_name(self, var)
5.def variables_to_restore(self, moving_avg_variables=None)
decay = math_ops.minimum(decay,(1.0 + num_updates) / (10.0 + num_updates))